
Start using myPOS Mobile Checkout iOS SDK by initializing it. Find your account’s unique number on the Dashboard. Choose a Checkout, which will accept the payments. Provide its store id to the SDK. Set the currency to match the store’s one and in which payments will be processed.


Check Store Management for more information for the following parameters.


Easy setup

To use this quick setup, you need to use the latest version of the myPOS iOS SDK. All the mandatory settings are contained in the Configuration pack which you generate when you integrate your Checkout.


When you have the pack generated, you copy and paste it in the Initialization method (example is shown below). It will work only for Production mode. If you want to do some testing first, you can use the Test data.

MPCheckout.initialize(in: .EUR,
                      withConfigurationKey: "eyJzaWQiOi...IjoiMyJ9")
[MPCheckout initializeInCurrency:MPCurrencyEUR


Advanced setup

After obtaining a certificate and private key, you will need to convert it to DER format. Use to the following command:

openssl x509 -outform der -in public_cert.txt -out public_cert.der


After generating and copying the private key save it to a file with .pem extension.


Note: Include the certificate and private key files in your project. Then go to Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resource and add the files.


The only thing left is to provide all this data to the SDK.

MobilePaymentSDK.initialize(accountNumber: "1234567890",
                            storeId: "12345",
                            currency: .eur,
                            certificate: "public_cert",
                            privateKey: "private_key")
[MobilePaymentSDK initializeWithAccountNumber:@"1234567890"
                                       bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]

Note: “bundle” and “keyIndex” are optional in Swift and default to main bundle and first key index. The key index represents the sequence of the generated key. In Objective-C, we need to provide those to the SDK. The bundle will be used to look for the certificate, private key and localization files.


 The SDK allows further configuration by using the existing settings. These are the options:

  • Supported card networks – Allows you to determine the accepted card networks when using your app. The default value includes Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, Maestro and VPay.
  • Address Verification Service (AVS) – You will be able to capture the consumer’s country and postcode as an additional security layer.