Get transaction status for previously submitted valid payment request
This command is used by the partner to receive the status and the parameters of a successfully submitted payment request.
The partner can initiate MPRGetTxnStatus command in order to receive the transaction status and payment details (if any).
Method properties
Property |
Typical value |
Type |
Presence |
Description |
version | 3.0 | String | M | The version of the protocol used for transition. |
login | | String | M | Identifier of the private key used for the signature. |
key_index | 1 | Int | M | Identifier of the partner. |
tid | 90000015 | AN(8) | M | Terminal ID |
ruid | 201203319999999 | String | M | Unique identifier of the submitted request. Up to 255 characters. |
ruid_original | 201203319999999 | String | M | Indicates the ruid that was presented in the previously submitted valid payment call (MPRPurchase, MPRLastTxnVoid or MPRRefund). |
signature | Byte[] | BASE64 | M | SHA-256 HASH for all properties in the command signed with the private key. The signature parameter is not used to calculate the hash. |
Response properties
Property |
Typical value |
Type |
Presence |
Description |
version | 3.0 | String | ME | Echo from MPRGetTxnStatus. |
login | | String | ME | Echo from MPRGetTxnStatus. |
key_index | 1 | Int | ME | Echo from MPRGetTxnStatus. |
tid | 90000015 | AN(8) | ME | Echo from MPRGetTxnStatus. |
ruid | 201203319999999 | String | ME | Echo from MPRGetTxnStatus. |
ruid_original | 201203319999999 | String | ME | Echo from MPRGetTxnStatus. |
ruid_original_status | 0 | N(2) | M | The status of the executed payment command. Possible values = 0, 13, 14, 15. |
original_method | MPRPurchase | String | M | The name of the last executed command for this ruid. |
amount | 23.45 | N(6,2) | ME | Echo from MPRGetTxnStatus. |
response_code | 00 | C |
Response code from the issuer. |
auth_code | VCQSIM | AN(6) | C | Authorization code from the issuer. This code is obtained after successful authorization only. Otherwise, the field will be empty. |
rrn | 219159246364 | N(12) | C | Retrieval reference number. Set by the terminal/acquirer. |
stan | 000029 | N(6) | C | System Trace Audit Number / Invoice. Enumerator from the terminal. Increments on every transaction attempt. Values from 000001 to 999999. Unique when combined with date. |
merch_txn_date | 2015-06-29 | YYYY-MM-DD | C | Transaction date as determined by the terminal. |
merch_txn_time | 18:17:25 | HH:MM:SS | C | Transaction time as determined by the terminal. |
mid | 000000000000096 | AN(15) | C | Merchant ID as specified in the terminal configuration. Setup by the acquirer at merchant contracting. |
merch_name | MYPOS *COMPANY | AN(22) | C | Merchant name as specified in the terminal configuration. Setup by the acquirer at merchant contracting. |
merch_address_line1 | STOURPORT-ON-SEVERN | AN(32) | C | Merchant address line 1 as specified in the terminal configuration. Setup by the acquirer at merchant contracting. |
merch_address_line2 | WORCESTE, UK | AN(32) | C | Merchant address line 2 as specified in the terminal configuration. Setup by the acquirer at merchant contracting. |
masked_pan | *4521 | AN(5) | C | Last 4 digits of the card PAN used for the payment. |
emboss_name | IVANOVA/MILENA | AN(26) | C | Cardholder name (where applicable). |
aid | A0000000032020 | AN(32) | C | AID as read from the chip card. |
aid_name | VISA VPay | String | C | AID name as read from the chip card. |
signature_required | 1 | N(1) | C | 0 – signature required 1 – signature not required |
reference_number | Inv12345 | String | O | Up to 50 symbols of text (Latin characters only) - can include letters, numbers, spaces and special characters. |
reference_number_type | 0-4 | Int | O | 1 - Reference number, 2 - Invoice number, 3 - Product ID, 4 - Reservation number |
status | 0 | N(2) | M | Status of the request. For more information check Status Messages. |
status_msg | OK | String | O | Additional details about the received status. |
signature | Byte[] | BASE64 | M | SHA-256 HASH for all properties in the command signed with the private key. The signature parameter is not used to calculate the hash. |
Example of the request:
<urn:MPRGetTxnStatus xmlns:urn="urnIPayService">
<MPRGetTxnStatusResponse xmlns:urn="urnIPayService">
<MPRGetTxnStatusResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:response_code>00</a:response_code> <a:auth_code>VCQSIM</a:auth_code>
<a:merch_name>MYPOS *COMPANY</a:merch_name>
<a:merch_address_line2>WORCESTE, UK</a:merch_address_line2>
<a:aid_name>VISA VPay</a:aid_name>
Example of the response when the payment was successfully processed (paid):
<MPRGetTxnStatusResponse xmlns:urn="urnIPayService">
<MPRGetTxnStatusResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""> <a:method>MPRGetTxnStatus</a:method>
<a:tid>90000015</a:tid> <a:ruid>201403319999999</a:ruid>
<a:merch_name>MYPOS *COMPANY</a:merch_name>
<a:merch_address_line2>WORCESTE, UK</a:merch_address_line2>
<a:aid_name>VISA VPay</a:aid_name>
<a:signature_required>1</a:signature_required> <a:status>0</a:status>
Example of the response when the payment was declined (not paid and finished):
<MPRGetTxnStatusResponse xmlns:urn="urnIPayService">
<MPRGetTxnStatusResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i="">
<a:tid>90000015</a:tid> <a:ruid>201403319999999</a:ruid>
<a:auth_code> </a:auth_code>
<a:merch_txn_date>2015-06-29</a:merch_txn_date> <a:merch_txn_time>18:17:25</a:merch_txn_time>
<a:merch_name>MYPOS *COMPANY</a:merch_name>
<a:merch_address_line2>WORCESTE, UK</a:merch_address_line2>
<a:aid_name>VISA VPay</a:aid_name>
<a:status>0</a:status> <a:status_msg>OK</a:status_msg>
Example of the response when the payment was reversed (successfully authorized and reversed afterwards):
<MPRGetTxnStatusResponse xmlns:urn="urnIPayService">
<MPRGetTxnStatusResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""> <a:method>MPRGetTxnStatus</a:method>
<a:merch_name>MYPOS *COMPANY</a:merch_name>
<a:merch_address_line2>WORCESTE, UK</a:merch_address_line2>
<a:aid_name>VISA VPay</a:aid_name>
<a:signature> bUViE5SzWy9iYpWzxlEVO/8Yb6bvtJVn1P6/rat5NBdgJaBU7OxeRm8rxi/fW1xuekqDM06F4MbzUPnTIA/sZ1ZwlMjSTExY5+7DqkdejN7mDgnB8zogrOfF6/P1snxuNgPRtHuJ0ZeTdTWNm9kKPGE7IadvIGtOpF+7yspfWd4=</a:signature>
Example of the response when the payment is still pending (successfully authorized, however, the response from the terminal is still due):
<MPRGetTxnStatusResponse xmlns:urn="urnIPayService">
<MPRGetTxnStatusResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""> <a:method>MPRGetTxnStatus</a:method>
<a:merch_name>MYPOS *COMPANY</a:merch_name>
<a:merch_address_line2>WORCESTE, UK</a:merch_address_line2>
<a:aid_name>VISA VPay</a:aid_name>
<a:signature> bUViE5SzWy9iYpWzxlEVO/8Yb6bvtJVn1P6/rat5NBdgJaBU7OxeRm8rxi/fW1xuekqDM06F4MbzUPnTIA/sZ1ZwlMjSTExY5+7DqkdejN7mDgnB8zogrOfF6/P1snxuNgPRtHuJ0ZeTdTWNm9kKPGE7IadvIGtOpF+7yspfWd4=</a:signature>
Example of the response when the payment is still pending (the data is received from the terminal however the transaction steps are not completed and the transaction is not sent for authorization):
<MPRGetTxnStatusResponse xmlns:urn="urnIPayService">
<MPRGetTxnStatusResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""> <a:method>MPRGetTxnStatus</a:method>
<a:tid>90000015</a:tid> <a:ruid>201403319999999</a:ruid>
<a:response_code> </a:response_code>
<a:auth_code> </a:auth_code>
<a:rrn> </a:rrn>
<a:stan> </a:stan>
<a:merch_txn_date> </a:merch_txn_date>
<a:merch_txn_time> </a:merch_txn_time>
<a:mid> </a:mid>
<a:merch_name> </a:merch_name>
<a:merch_address_line1> </a:merch_address_line1>
<a:merch_address_line2> </a:merch_address_line2>
<a:masked_pan> </a:masked_pan>
<a:emboss_name> </a:emboss_name>
<a:aid> </a:aid>
<a:aid_name> </a:aid_name>
<a:signature_required> </a:signature_required>
<a:signature> bUViE5SzWy9iYpWzxlEVO/8Yb6bvtJVn1P6/rat5NBdgJaBU7OxeRm8rxi/fW1xuekqDM06F4MbzUPnTIA/sZ1ZwlMjSTExY5+7DqkdejN7mDgnB8zogrOfF6/P1snxuNgPRtHuJ0ZeTdTWNm9kKPGE7IadvIGtOpF+7yspfWd4=</a:signature>
NOTE: The partner system could initiate MPRGetTxnStatus method only for ruid from previously submitted valid requests. In all other cases, the call will return error message - 4 E_INVALID_PARAMS.