This page is a step-by-step guide on how to integrate your Exely Booking Engine with your myPOS account so you can accept online payments for your clients' reservations.


In this guide, you will find the 5 necessary parameters which you need to send to Exely at


  1. Private key
  2. Public certificate
  3. Key index
  4. Store ID
  5. Client number


In your myPOS Account, for each individual hotel, you need to create a new Checkout by following the steps here.


Important note: make sure you select the same currency as the one in which you are processing your reservations. For example, make sure you have enabled the EUR currency if you process orders in EUR. You can also add every other currency which you support - if you want to support orders in BGN, include a BGN account and so on for every currency.


If you didn't add all of the desired currencies when creating the Checkout, you can do it once it is created in the menu Stores > eCommerce > Name of the Checkout > Settings > Transaction currencies


For every separate hotel, you can create a new currency account and assign it to that specific Checkout which will process reservations for the hotel.


Parameters to give to Exely

All the necessary parameters for the integration with Exely are mentioned below:

  1. Private key
  2. Public certificate
  3. Key index
  4. Store ID
  5. Client number


You will need to integrate your Checkout with the Exely integration method. You can start the integration process as soon as you create your Checkout, or do it later by pressing the Configure button in the Checkout's Integration tab.


Public and Private Keys


This type of setup is based on the generation of a key pair - Private key and Public Certificate. You need to provide both to Exely. Keep in mind that the Private key is shown only once and you need to store it securely. Should you lose it, you will need to generate a new key pair. The myPOS Public Certificate is saved in the Integration tab and can be downloaded at any time if needed.


Please NOTE that you should also check the Key Index value of your key pair. It is found in the Integration tab as well, and it indicates that you will be using this key pair for your integration. This also needs to be sent to Exely.


Once you are ready and have saved everything, you can Complete your integration and go to your now integrated Checkout.



If you need to delete the key pair, you can do that from the Integration tab. However, please be aware that this will shut down your Checkout and you will stop processing payments immediately. You will need to generate a new Pair and follow the same steps.


As a final step, when giving the key pair and key index to Exely, you need to also include the remaining parameters - Store ID and Client Number.


Store ID (SID) - You can find the Store ID in the general information for your Checkout.


Store ID


Client Number - You can find it in the Company information menu accessible from the top right corner of your myPOS account.


Account company information


Company information - Client number


Once integrated, the new Checkout will be with status “Enabled”. 


NOTE: Request URLs should be your domain name. - Correct - Correct - NOT Correct - NOT Correct


When you are ready with the creation of your new Checkout, it will have to be verified by the myPOS team which may take up to 5 business days. You might be contacted to provide additional information to complete the verification process. Please note that each change to the configuration of your Checkout will have to be verified by myPOS again. After the Checkout is fully verified, the payment method myPOS Checkout will be enabled and visible on the payment page of your hotel's reservation module in Exely's Booking Engine.